Monday, April 3, 2023

Logos and Edits

Graphic design is the art or skill of combining text and pictures in advertisements, magazines, books, etc. This requires a lot of visual ideas and planning to come out with the best results. The majority of the work is done on the computer. I've been familiar with graphic design for about 6 years now. I use the Abode programs because I feel like they have the best tools/ resources. The reason why I want to make logos and edits is to challenge myself and start adding more things to my portfolio. For this semester, I want to get at least 1-2 logos or edits done a week, or as many as I can with the finished result. 

Operating: Playing vs Listening vs It's own Erotic

  Operating: Playing vs Listening vs It's own Erotic For my final project, I'll be playing my portfolio/ presentation on a powerpoin...